You’re Doomed If You Rely on Motivation to Save You

These two secrets will help you stop procrastinating and win each day

Jason Dzamba
5 min readSep 24, 2020
Photo by Magnet.Me on Unsplash

Do you struggle with motivating yourself?

Do you put things off, consistently procrastinating the critical stuff? Maybe it’s an application, a difficult meeting or phone call, or a trip — I’m sure something is nagging you.

If there is, don’t worry, you’re not alone.

Procrastination — The Struggle of Many

I recently started answering questions on Quora. You probably already know — it’s a fantastic user-generated content playground where anyone can ask a question and get a response.

I was surprised by how many people ask the same question over and over again. How can I stop procrastinating and get things done?

It seems I could spend a lifetime answering questions that come like this. There are many out there who struggle to motivate themselves. And that’s the problem…

Procrastination is a problem of epic proportions. That’s why it’s my mission to help you eliminate it from your life in my upcoming book Get Anything Done.



Jason Dzamba

Author of Productivity Techniques | Creator of the Sprint Goal Organizer | I'm Giving Away My Book for Free